
Your business is important to you, and that make it important to us. We provide corporate and commercial legal services to ensure that your commercial affairs run smoothly, efficiently and effectively. Starting a business, selling, merging, or acquiring businesses, commercial agreements and contracts, governance, financing, and more – we have the experience and aptitude required to assist you in meeting your company’s goals. Putting our skills to work for you is a beneficial business decision.

Our team can assist you in many matters, including:

  • Incorporations,
  • Maintenance of Corporate Books and Records,
  • Re-Organizations,
  • Shareholders’ Agreements,
  • Estate Freezes,
  • Tax Related Corporate Advice,
  • Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements,
  • Partnership Agreements,
  • Franchise Agreements,
  • Joint Venture and Co-Ownership Agreements,
  • Employment Agreements,
  • Business Sales and Purchases,
  • Commercial and Financial Agreements,
  • Residential and Commercial Leases, and
  • Custom Contracts for a Small Business.